Thursday, July 10, 2008

There's Something about Favre

So Brett Favre sent a letter to the Packers requesting an unconditional release today if the team doesn't want him. When the GM of your team doesn't return your calls because he is on vacation despite the fact that you are probably the greatest player ever for a storied franchise, it becomes pretty apparent they don't want you. So the Pack finds themselves in quite a pickle. You see, both the Bears and the Vikings need a QB badly, and if Favre plays like he played last year, they could wrestle the NFC Central crown away from Green Bay. The Vikings might even challenge for the entire NFC title, which the Pack must feel is within reach. Favre won't want to languish in Miami; Parcells will get that team up and running but it is going to take a few years; Favre doesn't have that. Maybe the Ravens, but they are chaotic as well. Jets? Same story as the Dolphins. When Favre applies to the league for reinstatement, the Pack has 24 hours to decide if they will put him on their active roster before he hits waivers. Who would make that kind of impulse buy?

Oh yeah, young Danny boy who makes more impulse buys than a tabloid reader. Heck, Bruce Smith in his twilight despite the fact that he teed up on every play like it was a pass, even if it was 3rd and one, Deion Sanders in his twilight despite the fact that he is Deion Sanders, and even Jeff George who never saw a twilight because because he never really saw the light; all signed by Danny boy. Flippin' Jeff George, who only got his starting job because Danny forced it on the coaches, resulting in Skins fans getting to watch Brad Johnson win a Super Bowl against Rich Gannon, another ex-Skin. If you think for one moment that Danny boy hasn't been on the phone with Green Bay today, you haven't been following the Skins since '99. Snyder is savvy in the way that the nerdy guy you cheated off of in algebra class in high school was. Not savvy enough to not get beat up in the schoolyard, but savvy enough to let you cheat off him in algebra, lest he see you in the schoolyard. Jersey sales would probably go through the wall for 80 to 200 bucks a pop, and we would just be renting Favre for a year.

Here is why it won't happen. It might actually make sense. I love Jason Campbell and I think we are going to see some great games with him at the helm. However, he is coming off a knee injury, and he is supposed to be a mobile QB. Guess who likes to take off from time to time and hasn't missed a game in a long long time. Campbell excels at throwing it up but struggles at the short throws, which makes no sense in a West Coast offense where the 5 to 7 yard throws are quitessential. That is why hiring Zorn makes no sense but, guess who went to two Super Bowls in the West Coast offense with Mike Holmgren's west coast O. Guess who our new head/qb coach was under in Seattle before he came here and installed the same offense with the Skins. Guess what team is actually pretty old, and could use an old guy at the helm to push for one last Lombardi run. Most of the O-line is hovering around 30, our defense isn't much younger, Portis is in his twenties but Adrian Peterson proved that no matter how great you are, rookies get banged up at RB, and a lot of the Skins backups are products of having no draft picks or wasting them. If you answered anything other than Favre or Redskins to any of the "guess" questions you are fired. Seeing a four in the burgandy and gold might not be too bad. The team line would be "the starting job is open going into camp" and I hope that can be said honestly. This might actually be the right superstar sigining. Let's see if Snyder is smart enough to grab the bull by the horns. It'll make the headlines that he so constantly craves; at the same time, maybe it can give us a run.

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