Monday, August 11, 2008

New coach, same Snyder

So far Zorny (who I really am starting to get horny for with his dreamy eyes and crisp passing techniques) looks good. I am not going to be the Redskin fan that starts telling everyone we are going all the way during the preseason. 2000, the year of Bruce Smith, Deion, et all, and Osaka with Spurrier were humbling enough. But, Campbell looks solid, Carter and Taylor scared the hell out of the Bills O-line, Portis was tentative but effective, and a lot of guys are still resting for when it counts because the team really beat itself up during camp. The Zorn era hasn't officially started, but he is doing pretty well so far. Betts said that they are running just basic plays, and as long that is true and Zorn isn't showing his whole offense to all the scouts in Philly, NY, and Dallas this season might not be a disaster with a group of old guys who don't have too many years left to make a run.

NY had their run last year, and I don't think they can duplicate it; little Manning's completion percentage so far is about half of Campbell's and there is no Strahan or Barber. Dallas is everyone's pick to win the NFC, still think they are America's team, and are hyped up even more as HBO's team. The "Hard Knocks" documentary seems like such a stupid idea to me. I have to trust the Skins scouts enough to pick up something from watching their training camp that is going to help them beat the Cowboys this year. I would assume that everyone else on their schedule is doing the same. They were the best regular season team in the conference last year, and just like the champs everyone will be gunning for them. No one is looking for the Skins. It is a pressure year for Romo, who has to finally prove that he can perform in a pressure situation. Campbell just has to prove he was worth trading up in the first round for. It is a lot easier for Campbell to do so, and I also think he is more capable. The Eagles are in a similar situation. Donnovan Mcnoring is in the twilight of his career and desperately wants to prove he is a champion. The same can be said for Westbrook with the shelf-life of most NFL RBs and even more so for Andy Reid in Philly if he doesn't produce a playoff season. The Cowgirls and Giants are complacent, the Eagles and Skins are hungry and I think there will be suprises, but the battle for the East will be vicious.

Which means Jack Kent Cooke Stadium will be packed, which is great for Skins fans, but sucks because the owner gets more money. Daniel Snyder is an ass-hat. Raiders fans have no idea how lucky they are. Yes their owner is a crazy ass-hat too, but at least Al Davis is going to die sometime soon. We are going to have Snyder around for at least thirty or forty years to be ashamed of. When we went 3-13 under Norv Turner I still held my head high as a Redskin fan. When an opposing fan mentions Snyder, there is nothing to say or do other than put your chin down and say "yeah he's an ass-hat." Campbell can throw 5 interceptions and I can give you fifty reasons why he is better than Romo. It is getting harder and harder to find one redeeming quality in Snyder.

I've never taken the Metro to JKC (Fedex) but I've never been opposed to doing so. Apparently that is a lot harder to do now because of a new Federal law that prohibits shuttles from going to private events, including football games. So there are no more shuttles to Fedex from the Metro. So what do the Redskins do? Issue a quick statement that the service is no longer available to Redskin fans because the price would be jacked up from $6 to $20 and people probably will not pay that. But maybe they are more likely to pay $25 and up for parking passes, which Snyder has been angling for since he bought the team. The guy tried to outlaw walking on the streets surrounding Fedex before so people would have to buy his passes. He wants that extra $25 plus on top of hundreds of dollars for the actual tickets, $10 for a sandwhich, $8 dollars for a beer, and $5 for a bottle of water. (You can't bring them in because they pat down your who-nads to make sure you pay Mr Snyder.) It makes you appreciate the Lerners and the Nats. All they want to do is get people to Nattos Park. They run a 100% free shuttle from the RFK metro to the Park all on their own dime. For Snyder, it is always about squeezing one more nickle out of Redskin fans. There are a few people left that think he is an asset to this great franchise because he will go out and buy players. I have never doubted that little Danny likes the Redskins, but I also never doubted that he doesn't care much for Redskin fans.

Only the love of the greatest fan base in sports sells out the largest stadium in pro sports despite the hoops this guy puts us through. Thats why when the Nats or Caps get good it will be so great. While it looks like it won't happen anytime soon for the Nats, the Caps are on the cusp. Leonsis might be the most loved of DC owners, in part because his franchise is so fan friendly. He is a delight to meet in person, and will go so far as to answer all Caps fans emails. Try it, but don't try it with Snyder, he doesn't want to talk to you, he just wants your money. Maybe if one of these teams can win a championship, and stirs up a fervor that is usually only reserved for the Redskins, Snyder will pay attention and realize what being a fan friendly franchise is all about. In the meantime he is still an ass-hat and so am I for giving him my money. See you opening day.

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