Saturday, September 27, 2008

No Championship Parades in 17 years, shake it up

DC is the seat of democracy in the free world and has, as it should, some of the best journalists in the country. However, sometimes they are atrocious. Try to find somone with a press pass to say something insightful about the Caps and you will get blank stares. It seems that no one at the Post has a real grasp on baseball other than Boswell. Selig is scratching his head as to why 30,000 people are paying to go to Nattos Park, but only about 10,000 people are watching MASN for free, but the answer seems somewhat obvious. And every sports journalist seems scared to death of losing their free tickets to the Skins games if they say something bad about the Redskins due to Danny Snyder, who has just about the same tolerance for free press as Joseph Stalin. Danny boy is the guy who has tried to buy up every sports radio station in the area so its all Skins all the time, but no one says anything bad about Danny and his crony Vinny. He actualy has yanked tickets from the Post after something bad was said about him. Boo-hoo for young Danny.

So when something comes out that you never heard before, it is refreshing. Did anyone else know that Zorny was a Cowboy? He has been the Skins coach for seven months now and unless I missed it, I never knew that before until Mike Wise reported it today in the Post. He played under Landry, with that stupid star on his head, before he played for Chuck Knox with the Rams and eventually Seattle. I'm horny for Zorny, and will be even more so if he can somehow figure out a way to beat Dallas Sunday. However, thinking about a Skins coach with a Star on his helmet is akin to thinking about your girlfriend or wife with a guy like, say TO, the suicidal cowboy. It just makes you feel a little sick even if it happened before you knew them.

So I'm going to help Zorny out, to get that image out of my head. I'm sure every team in the league has a little bit of a heads-up after the Miami upset over New England but it is worth a shot for a drive or two. The Skins have the perfect offense to run the "spread-wing." Ronnie Brown ran for four Tds and threw for one more after lining up for the direct snap for Miami as the QB spread out as a flanker. A hapless Miami team stomped the defending AFC champs 38-14 because of this trickery, which would not work against USC, because they are ready for it. However, at the pro level, they are not. It is worth a shot. I hate Dallas more than any other team in sports, but we have to face facts; they are the best team in the league right now. Trickery and deception has to be used to get that extra touchdown or two to beat the Cowgirls. It should be high scoring because the 'Girls secondary is about as good as the Rams, so we have to put points on the board. I think the Skins are a lot more talented than the Dolphins, Campbell is more athletically gifted than whoever plays QB for ther Dolphins, Randle El has a better arm than any other receiver in the league to take the direct snap, and Moss has the legs to outrun anyone one-on-one if the Cowboys bite in. Its worth a shot, before someone else copies the Fins and every defensive coordinator in the league installs a package to combat an offense that hasn't seen the light of day in the NFL in almost 50 years.

I had tickets to see the final home game this year at Nattos Park, but unfortunately it was rained out. I thought that this would maybe help us from avoiding the unenviable triple digit number in the loss column but we hit that tonight in Philly. Thursday was supposed to be fan appreciation night, but just like the Nattos season, it was washed out. You can redeem the tickets next year for seats to any home game, but I think there is an even better way to show appreciation to the fans. SPEND SOME MONEY! Anyone works. Sabathia is getting his arm burned out in Milwaukee right now, but any one or two big name free agents works. I love going to the ballpark but it can get painful. Hopefully our farm system is as great as it has been hyped up to be, but they are still two or three years away from making a run with the kids.

A decade ago Hockey News had Jan Bulis ranked as the 9th overall prospect in the world. No one knows who this is because he played for the Caps, did nothing with us, and obviously did nothing afterwords. The moral of the story is a lot of prospects, even the top ones, don't work out. Chris Marrero, the Nats top prospect, had a bad first half of the season, and then got hurt and missed the rest of the year. The Nats never pulled some of these guys up to see what they could do in the bigs, no matter how loudly guys like me and myself beat our drums. The Lerners need to give us a guy like Soriano who you want to drive down into Southeast to see. Zim -Zam can't do it by himself. As much as I love the guy, and as great as the opening day walkoff was, the guy didn't hit 15 dingers this year. No Nat did. Spend some money; dropping Lopez, Lo Duca, Ayala, and Rauch dropped our payroll from $55 million to $35 million. There is cash to spend. Sagging TV revenues mean nothing to anyone other than Angelos, which makes it a great time to buy the TV rights from him and put a quality product on the small screen. Zim-zam is up for arbitration; don't let it go to that, just sign him long term. And just get two stars. Its a brand new town to baseball. It probably won't put up with another 100 loss season next year.

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