Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Letter to Donavan McNabb

Dear Mr. NoRing,
You suck. You choke left and right through every phase of your career. People in Philly can barely stand you, and you are the biggest star that has ever dimly lit that cold, soulless crap town. They booed you when you were drafted, and they booed you last week. Yes they boo Santa Claus, but he is about as real as a Super Bowl ring will ever be on your finger. After the game against the Skins you said "I'm embarrassed the way we played the last two weeks. I believe we lost to teams we should have beaten." Go have your mommy make you some Campbell's Chunky and keep your mouth closed, because you have a million dollar arm and a ten cent head.

You were lucky to even have a chance in that game; the refs practically handed it to you. This started with the block in the back on Jackson's punt return where the flag got thrown and then picked up, because the refs got confused when talking about the flagrant foul because it involved two players wearing number 50. This put you up 14-0 against a division opponent at home. Only you could lose this game, because you lose at every important point of your career. The score should have been shifted by 14 points in total after no one touched Randle El as he sprinted to the endzone, and once again the refs seemed confused and blew the whistle when he was 20 yards past the nearest Eagle defender. For some reason every NFL game we have watched this year seems to have a major botch by the refs in it, and your game Sunday was no exception. But you got two and still could not beat the Skins. Who is the lesser team again?

As a Redskins fan, our only goal is to get in the playoffs and see what happens from there. People down here are getting mighty excited. You are 2-3 while we are 4-1. Who is the better team again? All we have to do is not finish in last place because it looks like all of the wildcards will come from the East in the NFC. Fortunately, the Skins are two games up on you with a game in hand. And then you have to come to our house. Come to think of it that might not make that big of a difference as we have won 3 of the last four in Philly, and Lincoln has basically become Fedex north. Oh yes, and your little comment about losing to a lesser team might motivate the guys that kicked you around last Sunday just a little bit more. At least if you miss the playoffs it saves you of the embarassment of maybe making a run in the playoffs and choking when it counts again.

Other than giving up a 14 point lead at home in a crucial game and then never having the ability to produce a touchdown after the first quarter I hope everything is good. Tell you Mom I said hi and thanks for the soup. I really can't wait to see you again.


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