Thursday, October 30, 2008

Still Horny for Zorny!

So Sunday's game wasn't the blowout we wanted to see to prove we are among the league's elite. The Skins are not a great team, but they are a winning team, and that is all that counts. As long as they keep eeking them out, I'm content to watch nail-biters all year long. This team is a fired-up, high-octane team. Seeing Zorny yell at his star player on the sideline was a little worrisome, after all, at the midway point of the season, this guy would finish top 3 in MVP voting and I don't want the coach to lose him. But Portis and Zorny said it was just a misunderstanding and its behind them so I will take them at their word. But Zorn is so intense that Jason Campbell relayed the story he was told that the first time Zorn the player threw a pass to a cheerleader she ended up with a bloody nose. I like that kind of intensity in my coach.

I will be the first to admit that when Snyder bungled and hired Zorn as QB coach and then said "actually lets just make him head coach" I was worried and wrote off the season. I was wrong. He has managed to make Campbell look like Montana with no INTs, while also having Portis lead the league in rushing, and having a defense as stout as any in the league. Most importantly at the halfway point they are 6-2 in the toughest division in the league. When he was promoted to head coach despite the fact that he had never even been an offensive coordinator we all thought he was out of his league. The fact is, he stands above half of them.

By my calculations, half of the league's coaches should or will be fired. Lets start in the East, where Reid's tenure in Philly may be up if they finish last and Phillips has taken a page out of Snyder's book and bungled every step of the way this year. Garret will be wearing the head coach head set next year if not by next week depending on how badly the Giants stomp them. New Orleans was supposed to be one of the front-runners in the NFC and Peyton is on the hotseat, same goes for Childress in Minnesota. Whoever is in Detroit should be fired, and Singletary in SF is not guarenteed any job next year. Holmgren already said he is leaving, and Dungy in Indy has been wavering ever since he lofted the Lombardi.

The Jets went all-out to get Favre and big things were expected, so the Mangenius should be worried if his team falls apart. Del Rio has showed signs of promise but done nothing, and Houston doesn't look so hot either. Crennel in Cleveland has disappointed again, and Marvin Lewis is the one guy I can guarentee will be ousted. That leaves Oakland and their crazy owner, KC and Edwards who has done nothing with that franchise, and Norv Turner in SD who is once again proving that he is a great O coordinator and horrible head coach. That is half the league. Some of these teams will have a upswing and the coaches will save their jobs. The Redskins can always have a downswing, but right now Zorn looks good. At least ten coaches will lose their jobs this year, two already have. Its nice to have our guy with a little job security under the ever volataile Snyder.

So Philly finally won one. Your city is still a town full of losers for losers. Congratulations, you finally won a championship the same year a black man is about to be elected President. African-Americans were oppressed for over 400 years, what was your exscuse? This does bring a point to the forefront. DC is now tied with Minneapolis as having the longest period of time without a championship while having four major sports franchises. No pressure Zorn or Ovie. And the Nattos,.......... never mind.

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