Thursday, February 11, 2010

Grand Theft Hockey

I know I should stop whining about the Caps constantly being hosed, but they are constantly being hosed. The first clue that something was up was when the ref's mic worked perfectly up there in good old Canada, but never seems to work at the Phone Booth. The too many men on the ice call was bogus because no Cap ever touched the puck, and transferring players are supposed to be given about 5 to 10 feet of leeway.

I am dying to hear the explanation for why Ovechkin's goal was washed. He knocked over a guy who had the puck between his legs as he went for it, the Canadien happened to bump into the goalie, and the puck happened to trickle in for what should have been one of the goals to win the game. That there was no penalty called to boot cemented the "what is going on here?" feeling. An interference call would have been bogus as well, but what were the refs thinking? That called back goal was more legitimate than Metro's (who I love) goal that got kicked in off the skate. You keep the legit goal, wash the bogus one and the Caps streak stands at 15 and we wouldn't have even needed OT. I know I am becoming a conspiracy theorist, but do you think it might have something to do with the fact that the game was in Canada? Look we all hated Russians for about 80 years because they had nukes pointed at us, but then there was this thing called glasnost and then they tore down the wall over 20 years ago so lets make up and be friends. Plus I am pretty sure that a quarter of Canada is french, so they really didn't fight for anything the whole time anyways. I know the Caps wear red but why is everyone in Canada J Edgar Hoover all of a sudden?

Finally, the puck that was careened by the Habs in their own zone into the bench but bounced back onto the ice should have been a delay of game and a power play, but the refs ignored it, didn't even blow a whistle for a stoppage in play because they are either rain main, or clearly biased. Either way the streak is over. Lets let the Caps re-invigorate, hope no more young goaltenders get hurt (what is going on,) and concentrate on the big prize.

What I would say to the team if I was Boudreau is that "you have to work twice as hard to acheive just as much." The Caps got hosed last year, hosed out of their streak, and hosed into several suspensions this year. That is the way it is and unfortunately we just have to deal with it. Giving a 5-2 lead on the road won't get you anywhere. We have to grab the bull by the horns before the bull grabs us, because it seems that it always does.


i want ovie's n*ts said...


sarah's family and i were half watching the game and half playing monopoly (the seinfeld addition)

i can't contest a single thing you wrote today, and i knew this blog was coming as of last night... ask mr. wagner, i knew it!!!

laich is turning into a monster!!!

Ovie is Ugly said...

I disagree on this one.
One hundred percent honest: When OV scored, I thought, WOW, what a goal. He did just what you are taught: put EVERYTHING into the net if need be.
But I totally ignored goaltender interference, the same rule that I usually remember when a guy gets just pushed into my goalie when he is trying to make a save. This time though, it was an all out check that threw the player on top of the goalie, making a save impossible, and adding to the confusion of the rule interpretation. At first I thought they got it wrong, but it still has to be called the same way, nudge or check.