Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stirring the Rivalry Soup For the Soul

So I have been wrong before and will be again. I thought the RF would stomp Canada, but it went the other way around. This is good for Caps fans. OV and Semin have to be mad at getting their butts kicked out of a medal, and hopefully they take that anger out in the NHL playoffs. However, Ovechkin was still the best player on the ice.

I go to Bird and Magic as my example. They were the penultimate definition of a player to player rivalry. Ovechkin and Crosby fit that bill as well. Magic won in 1979 at the college level, and won again with the Lakers in '80. He also won in '82, '85, '87, and '88. Bird won championships in '81, '84, and '86. They are both hall of famers.

I don't know how the Ovechkin-Crosby rivalry will work out, but if it stays even I'll be happy. By even I mean the Pens didn't really win last year, the refs gave it to them. I can't stress that enough. Maybe they will make Pens-Caps games for Xbox like they used to make Lakers-Celts games on the 8-bit Nintendo. Either way, the Great 8 got hurt last night which scares me, but they got their butts kicked anyways and it wouldn't have mattered. Congrats to the Canadians and good luck with Miller if we both get to the game for the gold.

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