Thursday, February 4, 2010

Predictions and Predications

And yes I know that means the exact same thing.

Look at Ovechkin and Boychuk and how my boy doesn't even need an enforcer like certain other stars, he takes care of it himself. It is refreshing, but I'm sure some Canadian won't like it and the Great 8 will be suspended for two or three games because he played hockey. This team is insane, and I said I would make predictions so here we go. The Caps will take this streak up to 13 and lose on Sunday to the refs, I mean Pens. It seems to always happen, so I am counting on it. But even the Redskins have only won 14 in a row in franchise history, the longest in DC.

(As a sidenote, this is only for fans who have followed hockey more than a year or two. Not the Capstronaut or the guy who wears all spandex who is lucky there is not a school within 500 feet of the Phone Booth. Remember the old hockey jerseys where it had CCM on the sleeve? I think that is the predication. Barring any major injury, the first C is for Caps, the second is for Canucks, and the M is for the money Cup series that will take place at the end of the year with those two teams.)Yes, barring injuries, I am calling it in the begining of February.

While I'm on the topic, I wasn't going to give my Super Bowl prediction for a few more days, but you know I can't wait to be right. 38-21 Colts. I hope Dwight Freeney is officially out, but we all know that won't happen, so the line will not go down a little more which is no good for my gambling friends. There is zippy chance Peyton does not win this, and does not cover by more than a touchdown. The big story on media day is Freeney, because Peyton is so blase and boring, but he is the best ever and he puts himself there on Sunday.

And finally, I try to learn something new everyday and did from the today. Did anyone else know what a PECOTA was? Red Sox and Yankees fans don't reply no one cares what you think. I thought it might be a weird cheese I had never heard of, but it is the "Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization Test Algorithim." Say that to a girl and she will be dying to go to the ballpark with you. Well they put out their study every year, but retracted two parts today. They originally predicted the Nattos to win 82 games this year. They took that back, and as sexy as PECOTA sounds, I am pretty sure they don't do that very often even though I just heard about it today. They moved the Nattos to just win 76. The second move they made was to move Lannan's predicted ERA down .5. Wow, that is kind of concrete. Even with 76 wins that is a 17 swing improvement and I will take it this year, just not in 2011. God I miss baseball and 80 degree weather.

But I will predict that it will be over 80 degrees in June.


der said...

wayne gretzky only got into one major fight in his career, and i'd love to see ovie follow suit with a big knockout over one of the top enforcers in the league...

as the story goes, gretzky was harrassed and poked throughout a game by this enforcer, and i'm sure words were spoken before gretzky dropped his gloves and pounded this rick's face in... nobody ever tried to provoke him into a fight again...

ovechkin being such a passionate, physically superior player to anyone else in the league, i'd put my money on ovie vs. anyone... i think we'd all love to see ovechkin drop gloves with malkin or crosby to fuel that fire even more....

p.s. are there any diving competitions that crosby will get to compete in during the olympics in his own country? if there are, i'm putting money on hm!

DPS said...

Just remember the Cup isn't won in January and February. It's won in April and May and we all know the Caps record in those months. But the way they are playing now it would seem that a trip to the Cup final is in there future. They just have to get by the Pens. No easy task since the Pens going to be in the mix come April and May. It will be another great series.