Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A little bit lazy today.

But two posts on a sick day, even though the majority of the text is from somone else. I respect Dan Steinberg to death and would kill for his job, but he is a day late and a dollar short on this post. Come to your boy Big Ron for your DC Sports analysis, he is anywhere from a day to week ahead of the rest of the pack.


And yes it does feel good to be that right, all of the time.


RJ said...

And sometimes 6 months ahead of the rest.

Brendan McIntyre said...

Interesting...I wonder Tom's thoughts on all this as he seems to think you have a bit of victim-i-tis with the Caps.

Paging Tom Robinson....

RJ said...

Big B, Caps fans are completely justified to have victimitis. The fact that the Sabres got 7 power plays last night is a gift, that never happens against them. Between the Pens who got caught cheating, and the obvious Canandian bias that applies to a certain somone who tricked your boys last night, it is fairly obvious the Caps have been hosed the last few years. I knew it a year ago but don't have the press pass to dig it up myself. But the truth is revealing itself now.The Caps beat the Pens in the first six games of the series, and got killed in game 7 legit. The Pens won one game legit, but got to move onto the Cup.I won't be as happy when Ovechkin hoists the Cup this year, the sanctity of it is tainted a shade because last year's Pens names will be on it. But I will be pretty happy.

Unknown said...

Great article to reference BGR. I see why you respect Steinberg so much, i mean, who else could write a blog in which he just posted the transcript of various TV and radio interviews with little to no insight from himself. Boy i hope this is the journalist you aspire to be. You weren't lying about being lazy today. I've come to expect better from Squeeze Play! And don't break your arm patting yourself on your back.

Paging a true journalist...

Anonymous said...

Is this Earpy? I can't pull up your last name. I never said I was a journalist, just that I have an opinion; they are like buttholes we all have one and I like to voice mine as often as possible.I will call you back, don't get angry because I haven't done it yet. Is Peter Warrick out of jail yet?

RJ said...

It only came up as anonymous because that is my middle name.

Unknown said...

You know who this is! Your opinions, much like buttholes, stink! I believe Warrick is a fine and upstanding member of our society. He is currently having a stellar career in the Indoor Football League. Your Washington Capitals starting to make some national news they were talked about on PTI and Around the Horn.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it is my favorite FSU fan. I was joking, I heard Warrick is fine and is hanging out with Mike Tyson, but still has better shoes. Get up here so we can hang out and talk more about the one thing we disagree.

Ronny romance said...

I'm trying really hard to not make it anonymous, but it really is my middle name.