Friday, February 5, 2010

Dad, Dunns, Dunnos, Dunno Again, Division, and Damn the caps Are Good

First off congrats to the Caps. I am almost getting tired of saying that it happens so often. Congrats to the Crushin Russian who got point 500 in just year five of his career and was Sportcenter's number one play this evening. He took the lead in goals for the year as well, and he missed 9 games because of injuries and Canadiens. (Not the Habs, the Biases, their office is in Toronto but their team plays in Pittsburgh.) Hopefully tommorow makes a baker's dozen for the Caps.

I just wanted to take a second to say that my Dad is the greatest guy in the world. Just as awesome as my new obsession with lists. Talking to my brother today made me think of my top five live sports moments ever. That I was there for. It's like the Tupac and Nate Dogg song, "It's All About You," but I digress. My Dad, because he's a saint, paid my ticket for every one of these games, and these were some of the best events in my life:

5. Watching Warrick Dunn get stuffed at the goal-line against UVA for the first FSU loss in the ACC ever. I have seen two college football games live in my life, but that was the best.

4. I don't know if I remember this score correctly, but I believe the Skins were down 35-3 at half to Aizona. While Plummer was still their QB. My brothers and I were signaling to my Dad in a different tier of JKC to come down and get out but he wouldn't. The game ended up 41-38 in OT and was a good lesson. It was the greatest half of football I have ever seen and I almost have never left a game early since.

3.OK let us tslk hypothetically in case this ever comes up in court despite the fact that this story is over a decade old. One of my two younger brothers may have thrown a water bottle better than Peyton Manning could on the ice as the Caps lost the final game in a playoff series. But he may have just grazed Matthew Barnaby's face because Barns is a jerk and that is the nicest thing I can say about that....person. It may have been one of the greatest things I have ever seen, and no one could throw that bottle of Dasani like my brother that day. If he may or may not have done it. By the way your honor, I may or may not have any recollection of that incedent if it is ever asked about. And I have two brothers you can't prove anything.

2. When the Caps beat the Canes to win out 9 straight to make it to the playoffs, I had never heard a place so loud and so emotionally charged. Except for one other game.

1. The 1988 NFC Championship Game
The game was never supposed to happen at RFK. The 9ers and the Bears were the top two seeds, my Dad and I were never supposed to have the tickets from the guy that went to Europe. But the top two seeds lost so the Skins end up playing the Vikings, we have the impossible tickets and we were right in the corner of the endzone as Green batted away the ball as Gibbs was literally on his knees for the second to last play of the game. As the weird Asian guy in the seat behind us kept throwing confetti on me awkwardly after that play, it was one of the best things I have ever seen. The best in sports. And I got to see it the 17-10 win with my Dad. That was the best.

Addendum: I had a chance to see Nattos opening day night game last year and turned it down because I think it was supposed to be a high of 25 degrees that day. But when ZimZam jacked it and walked off, I really wanted to not be able to feel my toes.


Brendan McIntyre said...

haha, if the brother that threw that water bottle ever wants to really get a good, solid connection to barnaby's head, let me know, my brother Spencer caddies for him from time to time.

Three of my top sports moments (in attendance for) are easily

1) the Sabres winning the 1999 Stanley cup finals 4th game at home to even the series at 2 a piece. We had awesome seats that our family was offered at least a thousand bucks a seat for (my parents wouldnt tell us just how much because we had 6 seats, for the whole family to go!)

2) The Baby Joe Mesi fight at UB. What energy! Mesi, the Blue Collared Buffalonian was making a run for a shot at the title. It was a real life Rocky Balboa. I remember him coming into that arena and the place going insane. And he was wearing the good ole red white and blue. Jogging in with his trainer behind him with his hands on Mesi's shoulders. And the fans hung on every move Mesi made. Every punch he threw, the place went nuts for. The other guy didnt have a chance. Mesi won early and big. it was nice because I won those tickets and was able to take my dad.

3) The last game at the Memorial Auditorium against the Hartford Whalers. We won 4-1. I went with my dad to that one too.

Great topic. I think you might have some good memories from this year's playoffs! i'm excited to see how the Caps and Sabres do.

Daniel Dassani Robinson said...

i found my first white nose hair yesterday, which qualifies me as old enough to chime in here:

5. the most emotionally charged sporting event i've ever seen was the sean taylor game vs. the bills... i still remember the chills from the video tribute for sean taylor's life, and the way it impacted 90,000 fans... when the defense took the field with 10 players, they gave up a long play; however, that was probably the most inspirational, heartfelt, and ballsy play i've ever seen

4. darrel green's last game: i'm not even 100% on who we played (i think it was dallas or philly actually), but when he took the microphone and spoke to all the diehards in the stands, the following applause made darrel cry, and consequently, many fans too... for me personally, he was my undersized hero growing up and to see him leave the game with the emotion and gratitude towards us as the fans made me love him the more

3. this is the only repeat from your list, but going into game #82 against the canes, we knew as caps fans that if we won, we were in and the #3 seed as southereastern conference champs, if we lost, we were out... what i'll never forget about that game was the last 5 seconds... the phonebooth was counting them down like it was new years eve, and then celebrated like it... huet and federov were the catalysts for that amazing streak, and should be remembered by caps fans for giving us that moment

2. last year in the second round of the playoffs, sarah and i were forunate to see game 2, which highlighted ovechkin and crosby's hat tricks... another fantastic back and forth battle that ended up giving the caps a 2-0 advantage in the series... this was the most electric and energetic game i've ever seen

1. has to be when the skins defeated the bucs in the playoffs at the cooker... i remember watching the skins win the superbowl when i was in 3rd grade!!! i had never seen a playoff game/atmosphere, and it was the greatest treat in the world to see the skins pound on the bucs... i still remember tre johnson (big ole' 77) defending the qb and eventually getting tossed from the game to a standing O... once again, any sporting event with mom is always a little more special...

in hindsight, we're pretty spoiled with all these wonderfull events that dad has taken us to, but i love this last blog in particular because it allows us to reflect on the memories of the games, and the people we were with... thank you ronald SENIOR... you're the man :-)

RJ said...

It's funny how everyone's is different. Danny and I were at almost all of those games together with my Dad, but different moments hit you differently.

Ron Robinson said...

RJ, I loved the games together. Thanks for the memories. The Redskins win in the championship game at RFK was very special. Remember getting to the parking lot and someone torched the Vikings' Camper? Also I can remember seeing the Redskins band playing, but never hearing a note...

Dan, speaking of the Redskins band...that "Hail to the Redskins" played as a dirge before the Bills game, & as so obviously practiced by the band, after Sean Taylor was murdered was a surreal moment. Sad, but most appropriately respectful.


Brendan McIntyre said...

On the same note... Drew Brees and his son