Monday, February 8, 2010

If You Ain't Cheating, You Ain't Winning

Baseball has the 1919 World Series, the steroids era, and about fifty other things that prove this. The NBA has Tim Donaghy. College football has FSU. But the NHL may be coming further and further into the fold of this black pox that has fallen across sports. We have seen the controversy from ref Stephane Auger, as well as the bad call on Bradley. We have seen the Mike Green suspension that Dan Steinberg pointed out was due to faulty Canadaian camera angles as I posted previously. We have seen that Mike Green is not on the Canadian Olympic team despite leading the league in defense goals, assists and points despite his three game suspension and a few injuries. The argument might be that he is an offensive defenseman, but he is second in the league in +/- behind just Schultz, so that argument is faulty.

There is an obvious Canadian bias against the Caps as shown on the NBC broadcast of the Pens-Caps game the other night. All the Canadian announcers, who are just as lovely as listening to Troy Aikman and Joe Buck during a Skins game, are skewed as well. Crosby scores and you hear from McGuire with "you don't teach this in hockey school, this is only something you can get from above." So Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, whoever you believe in taught Crosby how to play hockey, that is really good for the Pens. Ovechkin plays a game where he wills his team to win, and you hear their star "hits to hurt." How about Hat Trick, and putting a camera a little closer on Crosby while they sweep up the caps, because I really think he may have been crying this time because his teammates were telling him not to go complain about the length of time it took to get all of the hats off the ice again. There is something awry, has been for a while, and it needs to get addressed. Look, no one liked Russia until Reagan was done with them, but that does not mean the Caps should not get to play a fair game or series against the Canadian darlings. The fact that OV singlehandedly lifted our boys to victory over the refs and a good team is a testament to the greatest player in the game.

The NFL has had its cheating as well, most noteably Spygate, where the Pats should have to hand their Lombardis back much like last year's players names should have their names sanded off of the Cup for their video cheating scandal. Now I want to preface this carefully. It is not because I am bitter that both my predictions for both of Sunday's games were wrong. I certainly hope the rest I made are absolutely correct, but did something seem wrong at the end of the game? You have the most clutch (and greatest player and I won't back down from that) of all time who completely falters at a time he normally is at his best. If you could take two players from the Colts and add them to the Skins I hope you would say Manning and Wayne. They both grew up in New Orleans. I have no proof, but something is fishy. Congrats to the Saints, like I said before, if my team couldn't do it I hoped they would. I don't have a press pass, but if I find of any cheating or throwing of games it will be worse than the day I found out there was no Santa Claus. Right now it is like I am staying up all night Christmas Eve, but I don't hear any reindeer on the roof.


Daniel Dasani Robinson said...

regarding your last two paragraphs, i have yet to re-watch the game (caps vs pens); however, from what i saw at work, the refs did everything they could to let the caps back into the game... the caps have the better team, and better talent; however, the pens have the more consistent goaltending... the comeback was remarkable, inspiring, and jaw-dropping (even for penguins fans at the bar), but the big story is WASHINGTON D.C. HAS AN MVP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN DECADES!!! a real MVP has the ability to place his team on his back and carry them to victory!!!! god bless alexander ovechkin!!!!

as far as the saints beating the colts... both teams were 13-0 at the same point, late in the season!!! at that time, everyone wanted the two un-defeated teams reach the super bowl, and duel... is it so shocking that peyton manning made a mistake and cost his team the super bowl? is it so shocking that the 'aints won the super bowl... 1 man does not have the ability to carry a football team of 10 other men to victory (desmond howard, joe namath, and adam vinateri are the closest super bowl examples!!!) it takes a team effort to win an nfl football game, and on sunday the saints showed up as the better team, the most prepared team, and they never relied too heavily on any one player!!! THE BETTER TEAM WON THE SUPER BOWL, NOT THE BETTER QUATERBACK!!! however, drew brees just did something that no other quaterback has ever done in the history of the nfl (i'm pretty sure): DREW BREES JUST BEAT THREE HALL OF FAME QUATERBACKS IN A ROW, IN THE PLAYOFFS, TO WIN THE SUPER-BOWL!!!!

squeeze play rj, keep throwing out your opinion, and i'll counter with mine!!! you missed the true stories on the ice and the super bowl field on your last bloggy blog... love you :-)

RJ said...

I tried to be nice before, but now I have tear you apart in public. Watch the game, there were 12 penalties against the Caps as opposed to 10 for the Caps so I have no idea what you are talking about as far as the refs are concerned. Orpik's highstick to Semin's face should have been a four-minute unreleasable, not a minor. The Penguins whining prevented that. The Pens had better goaltending yesterday, but we didn't have our first string in. DC has had an MVP for two years straight, and that game is exhibit one for why he is working towards a third straight.

I can show you countless amounts of gamefilm where P. Manning has been a one-man football team, willing his team to win. I just found it odd that he didn't do it on Sunday. Howard had very little to do with the Pack's win, Vinateri is a kicker, and Namath was almost insignifigant in Super Bowl 3. The best quarterback of all-time lost, the better team lost, but that is why they say "any given sunday."

dasani said...

howard, namath, and vinaterri all had that x-factor, where those players elevated 50+ men/co-employees/teamates into a championship!!!

i hate that football players celebrate their individual plays on the field, like they truly made the play...

in football, and in hockey, if someone intercepts a pass, induces a large hit, or scores a touchdown/goal... they have only succeeded because their teamates have performed their job well enough to allow one individual to claim all the credit on espn"s top ten plays!!!

individual effort should be congratulated and rewarded, but don't forget about the teamates that put them in that position!!!

p.s. the saints winning the super bowl is a perfect example... the better 11 men took the field, the better coach called the game, the better quaterback carried his other 10 teamates to a championship!!!

desmond howard, joe namath, and adam vinaterri owned their moments, their invaluable contributions toward world championship and victory should be remembered... what i'm saying is that peyton manning might be the greatest quaterback of ALL TIME... however, he needed 10 other guys to do their job, and they didn't on one particular play... peyton's not to blame, the AINT'S won the super bowl because they had the more complete team!!!

LET'S GO CAPS!!!!! (talk about teamwork... woo hoo!!!)