Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chicanery, tom-foolery, and ballyhoo

I own nothing purple anymore, so I couldn't wear anything to celebrate Gonzaga's win over the Dematha Stags. (That's really is their name you could not make that up.) It is the worst team name in the history of sports. Penguins is second.

The Mike Green suspension is absolutely ridiculous. he didn't even knock the guy out of the game he was back on the ice in about five minutes. Three games is a little bit Draconian, but it does not really matter, he probably would have been out for a bit anyways, because he hurt himself and couldn't make it back to the ice. He needs to rest, and with two weeks off for the Olympics because the Canadian team is Rain Man, hopefully he will be in one piece to man the blue line on the power play in the playoffs. (Seriously, I think Crosby is the captain for that team. I now hate Canada more than ever, you know what I'm talking aboot?)

What came of this catastrophe of a ruling is some information that explains the chicanery of the last few years. Mike Murphy ruled on the Green incident, and while I am sure he is a fine Irishman, Boudreau essentially said he could not talk about the ruling because he would get fined. Because it was wrong. Murphy ruled on it, because the normal guy, Colin Campbell, has a son that plays for the Panthers. Who knew that? Do you think that might be a conflict of interest for every other ruling and ref decision that has occured since he held that position? I mean his son plays for the Cap's biggest intra-division rival. If Ricky Aikman was in charge of things for the NFL in the early 90s, I think the Skins might have gotten hosed once or twice.

Speaking of the Skins, Zorn got a new job. As a QB coach. Wowzers. He couldn't get a offensive coordinator position after being a head coach. I think he is a really nice guy, and I guess he will be right down the road in Baltimore so we can all go up there and tell him so, but he wasn't qualified to be an offensive coordinator. Dan Snyder makes really good decisions. I got to run and get some Johnny Rockets.

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