Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hope and Despair

Another Caps win, and it wasn't even close, against a team we had previously gone to overtime every time previous this season, and played one of the longest games in the history of the game a few decades ago. We lost Theodore for an undetirmined amount of time which is no good, but they are going to call up this other young guy Holtby who is supposed to be an ace as well. They say that the second most important man in DC is the QB for the Skins, but if this team takes off the way they should, it could be the guy in net for the Caps. Having three young guys who can play, hopefully one for a long, long time, is encouraging. It would be nice to have a guy in net as long as Kolzig. I am worried about Varlamov. I would never call a player soft, but he is injury-prone and we need him.

Goaltending is the key to the Cup, which is the only way to call this year a success. It isn't good that there are a ton of Caps playing in the Olympics. I thought if the US didn't make it too far, I would end up rooting for Russia because of Ovie, Semin, and Varly. I changed my mind. If they win the gold, they will feel some sense of accomplishment. The only accomplishment I want for them is to bring the Cup to DC. If the US can't win, the Caps might be better served if Crosby could whine he and Canada's way to the gold. (The Olympics are a little fairer than the NHL, but he is the most amazing whiner I have ever seen. If anyone can whine their way to glory, it is Crosby. He is almost assured a place in the Whiner Hall of Fame, with his bust between Jerry Seinfeld and Nancy Kerrigan.) It will be weird rooting for Ryan Miller though. Thats the goaltender I do not want to see across the ice in the playoffs, and is the type of guy I hope one of these three young goalies will morph into.

As a sidenote, if you were born the day the Redskins last won a Super Bowl, you can now buy a pack of smokes. That is depressing.

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