Friday, January 29, 2010

I Love Lists

Caps won again. It almost isn't interesting anymore, but that team is currently re-writing the record books. People who don't have the Great 8 on their team constantly bash him, but know they would do anything to have him on their team. The biggest thing I hear is that he is selfish, but I would recommend watching tonight's game film to anyone dumb enough to say that. He is happier and celebrates more when another Cap scores. He gave up wide open shots to pass to Knuble tonight, trying to get him a trick. He is the classiest guy in DC, and we are lucky to have him. I just can't wait for the playoffs, watching the Caps is like playing a X-Box game on Extra Easy. I need more drama.

So I go to my other obsession, making lists. This is relatively new, I don't understand it, maybe I have just seen "High Fidelity" too many times. I was watching the NFL network and they had a top ten list of Super Bowl performances. Let me tell you why it was wrong and you should only come to me when you need a top ten list. They had Riggo in Superbowl 17 at #6 and Timmy Smith at #7 for Super Bowl 22. For the record, the stat lines for both of them are:

-The original Diesel: 166 yards rushing on 38 carries, 15 yards receiving, and a touchdown that is the greatest moment in the history of Super Bowls.
-Timmy Smith: 204 yards rushing, and 2 TDs. He only ever had one good game, but he picked the right one. He should be one, and Riggo two on the "Top Super Bowl Perfomance" list. Let's take a look at who they put ahead of these two and why they are wrong.

5. Lynn Swann: He literally only touched the ball 4 times in Super Bowl 10. He was carted off the field the week before and went to the hospital, but he was fine. Kind of reminds me of another guy from the steel city. I would never call an athlete soft but the Raiders do. He does ballet. He touched the ball four times.

4. Adam Vinatieri: He's a kicker, you have to be kidding me. If Scott Norwood liked to just aim a little bit more left, would he be number 1 on the NFL Network's list? He missed that kick by about as many feet as I have family members who hate me right now for bringing that up. If you put that anywhere the top ten, Moseley should be in the HOF.

3.Steve Young: He threw for 6 touchdowns and defeated both the Chargers and the ghost of Montana. But he invented the all-time worst sports cliche "nobody can ever take this from us" as he clutched the Lombardi, and that moves him below Riggo and Smith. Are there people out there who are trying to take it from you, what is wrong with you? (See, I have a weirdo obsession with lists, and top ten worst sport cliches has "nobody can ever take this from us" is at the top.)

2.Marcus Allen: 191 yards and 2 TDs is impressive, but its not 204 yards with two TDs. Plus he was playing against a defense that was hungover after being out past six in the morning with Theismann, and the Raiders stole the Skin's playbook. Allen moves to the back of the pack.

1. Doug Williams: He led the Skins to 322 yards and four touchdowns....... in a quarter. He was knocked out of the game, came back, played through the pain and as the first black QB, overcame that stupid stereotype about black QBs that I hope is officially gone now. Ok the NFL network got number one right. We will move Smith to two and Riggo to three. God I miss rooting for a good football team.

The one constant in my top three are the Hogs. They need to be inducted to the HOF, they are the most notable line in the history of the game and opened up holes so big that if Timmy Smith got 204 yards, I think my skinny white butt could have gotten 150 in super Bowl 22. Induct them as a group, include Bugel and Don Warren, and I think it would be awesome if their bust was a pig. Cooperstown has their Babe, Canton needs theirs.

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