Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Stay away from the sack sir

So I guess it will be Shanahan, but that is not news. What will be is the Super Bowl of an offseason, especially in what looks to be an un-capped year, that we always endure. Let's see who we sign, and who we keep. I would like to have 30 plus new players like the Lions did this year after the Millen era because the Cerrato era was worse.

The Lions never expected to win; we don't want the playoffs we want the whole kit and kaboodle. The only things Cerrato did right, because Gibbs told him so, was draft Jason Campbell and Sean Taylor. Allen is a cap guy, so he needs to figure out a way to frontload JC's contract to keep him here for at least three more years. We should win the offseason again if it is un-capped, but I do not see a free agent QB better than Campbell coming on the market. So lets stick with him a little while longer.

I know he threw 15 interceptions, but he was pressured to make quick decisions. JC is better, tougher, smarter, faster, and a million other positive adjectives better than Sam Bradford. Trade that fourth or fifth pick for more to draft guys to protect whoever is in the pocket next year and three years from now.

If I were to argue against myself I would say "well Rodgers and Roethlisberger were sacked more, and one made the playoffs and the other sniffed it." Well JC toughed out both the mental and physical strains of a season that I can't imagine. It's also not news that QBs like to be protected, but maybe we should try protecting Campbell for a year or two, see what happens, and then move from there. He's not perfect, but he is ours, and he should stay that way.

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