Friday, January 29, 2010

Top Heath Shulers

Sorry, I guess I have a lot on my mind, I know I am writing too much, it shows up on Facebook, and I'm sure people are hiding me. I gave my top ten worst ever in DC, let me give you the top five best ever in each major sport, and I hypothesize that there is a DC guy in each of them.

1. Peyton Manning: It doesn't matter if he wins in 10 days or not, he is the smartest football player of all time and it doesn't matter if he is only in the top twenty of athletic talent.
2. Sammy Baugh: What P. Manning lacks in athletic talent, which is not a lot, Sammy Baugh had it. The Punt, Pass, and Kick competition at halftime for kids was invented because of Baugh.
3. Jim Brown: The greatest all-round athlete ever. He is considered the greatest RB of all time as well as the greatest lacrosse player of all time. To be the best in two sports is a testament to his greatness.
4. Joe Montana: The rings say it all. Plus, he may be related to Tony and my boy Neil.
5. Barry Sanders: The only player from an opposing team that I have ever seen get a standing ovation at JKC.

1. Willie Mays: If there is one guy in the entire history of baseball that in a hypothetical I could add to the Nattos he is the guy. He finished batting over .300 with 660 home-runs, and invented a style of fielding that infuriates every baseball coach in the world, because no one is as good as Willie Mays.
2. Babe Ruth: People forget he could pitch too.
3.Pete Rose: He also hit over .300. This is my DC reference for baseball, he was an Expo. If McGwire or Bonds make it to the HOF before Rose I might stop watching baseball. (I'm just joking baseball, I love you baseball, I didn't mean it and you can't get back soon enough.) But kind of.
4. Lou Gherig: If you don't tear up when you see his retirement speach, you are probably not a human being and you should get that checked out. He hit just a shade under 5oo HRs with .340 lifetime before he succombed to his sickness.
5.Walter Johnson: He pitched his almost 6,000 innings every few days, and still posted a career ERA of 2.17. The greatest baseball player that has ever had Washington plastered across his chest. 1924 was a hell of a year, I wish I could have been there, look here see.
As an addendum, I want to apologize for putting two Yankees on here, but facts are facts and stats are stats. For Red Sox fans, I also put on Babe Ruth who was a Red Sock for a little while. That was the meanest thing I have ever said in my life and I'm kind of sorry.

1. The Great One: If you don't know who this is just stop reading.
2. The Great 8: If you don't know who this is he wears number 8 on his Red sweater and despite the fact that he has not won a Cup because he was cheated out of it last year, he is scheduled to win it this year and a few more after.
3. Gordie Howe: The picture of him going verticle is amazing. I would have it framed and hanging in my home if I didn't hate the Red Wings so much. However, the toughness and scoring ability were great, but those reasons why he is below Ovechkin. The Crushin Russian is Howe 2.0.
4.Bobby Orr: There we go Boston fans
5. Mario Lemieux: It kills me to say it, and I don't want to talk about it anymore.

1. Michael Jordan- He played for the Wizards; I told you I could get a DC reference in on all of these.
2. Wilt Chamberlain- How he could bang that much and play ball that well boggles the mind. But maybe I am getting old.
3. No one really cares
4. Mike Wise thinks I am racist because I think college basketball is better because the kids actually care. Its weird, because I am fairly certain that there are way more black guys than white guys at the college level too. I just think March is the best time for basketball.
5. Seriously, if you care about the NBA you need a new hobby; it sucks and that is why I never write about it.

And there we went. I am always open to other options for any of these, and especially if you can think of somone to knock Lemieux off the list. I tried to think of one; Roy, Messier, and Bourque come close, but you have to give credit where credit is due. And apparently I have to insert that cliche into every blog. Be good guys.

1 comment:

Brendan McIntyre said...

I think that Mario could have been one of the best ever, but injuries got in the way, so that would bump him down a few notches.

I think Hasek cracks the top 10, or close to. But top five, I'd have to put Rocket Richard in there above Lemieux. Orr was the best, and humble to boot. I had that pic up in my apartment when I studied abroad. And I had Jordan's "wings" up at our apartment in Lynchburg. Now, I have none. :-( Don't give in!