Sunday, January 31, 2010

Black Sunday

Black Sunday is the first Sunday without football that means something. It is the second-worst day of the year for sports other that the day after the MLB all-star game. It's depressing and it sucks. It is even worse this day. The NFL tried having the Pro Bowl the week before the Super Bowl and they should never do that again, because this is the worst Pro Bowl ever. When I think of great football players, I tend not to think of the ones that thank the opposing player for not hitting them too hard. I know some of the Cowboys and Eagles fans were really excited about seeing Romo and Mc-Noring get so much playing time; congrats they were playing against David Gerrard. Pretty exciting. But it is the latest Romo has ever played in a season, so that is nice for Cowgirls fans. Matt Schaub is the MVP, pretty exciting.

And there is nothing else on TV except the Grammys. Look, its a DC blog, and sports is the only thing that pulls the city together, but I am going to diverge from a moment. There is not one person on that broadcast who didn't vote for Obama. Only 47% of the country approves of him. You would think they might be able to find one person who is not a complete leftist to sing. It just goes to show that leftists are the most intolerant people in the world. All you have to do is acknowledge that other people have different views than you and maybe they should be recognized time to time.

Sorry, I won't talk politics again, like I said it is black sunday and I am grumpy, and there is one more thing I will say here and never say again. Hockey is still around, and the best two players in the game saved their teams today. Crosby scored his one team goal in regulation and the winner in the shootout. That's a clutch player in a clutch game and I am pretty sure he didn't dive too much. God that hurts to say. The Great Eight scored the game winner after the rest of the team gave the game up. Perhaps that was because of the suspension of our best defenseman, which is completely bogus. You can chop the Caps legs out, they can play bad, and they still win. That is the mark of a champ. If we get a Cup, this is the best team in the history of the city. That's the one bright spot on an otherwise crap day.

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