Saturday, January 9, 2010

Whining about things I can't fix

There are some things in sports that are absolutely ridiculous. They usually involve refs, but here is a bigger issue; the Rooney rule. I think I would do anything to have Dan Rooney own the Redskins instead of the guy we have, he is a smart man. Furthermore, his heart in the right place.

I think it is great to interview minority candidates for positions, it needs to happen more often. Rooney puts his money where his mouth is, as Tomlin is a top ten coach and was unheard of to most before his hiring. However, parading guys in front of owners for the sake of the Rooney rule when guys like Shanahan, the obvious choice for the Skins, and Carroll as just reported, the obvious choice for the Seahawks, just to toe the line of the rule is disgusting. Let's have people get their jobs on merit, it is a free market economy lets let it work that way. Let people choose their employees without a rule about how to do it; to do otherwise is un-American.

And finally, stop parading minorities around to fulfill an un-American rule. I know the thought was noble, but it is becoming more insulting than the intention.

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