Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Here is a thought

What is taking so long to get Shanahan on board? What about this scenario? He is calling in his agent to figure out how to coach the Skins without Snyder over his shoulder. Maybe the conversation is going something like this:

Mike Shanahan: I'll only coach if you never come into my locker room, practices, tell me or Bruce who to draft, never talk to the press again, and never wear that stupid yellow sweater you like again in public.
Daniel Snyder: Um no one talks to me like that, I'm Mr. Snyder
MS: Ok, I call Mr. Wilson Ralph, and it is worth a million a year to not have to put up with you.
DS: Um, but I can do whatever I want because I have money.
MS: Not with me, I have two more rings than you do
DS: OK can I at least go to some practices, what else am I going to use my fancy golf cart for?
MS: Driving off elsewhere to leave the team and I alone. I want to coach this team, I do not want you to coach this team anymore.
DS: Call your agent and lets negotiate.

Hypothetical, but if something like this conversation happened, Shanahan is the right coach for us.

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