Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stuff that makes you want to bump uglies, and then just uglies

I wanted to talk more Caps. If they win the Cup, they are without a doubt the greatest team in the history of DC sports. Do you realize that we can forfeit every game until March 5th, and even if the Florida Panthers win every single game until then, we will still be in first place in the Southeast division? That is not the only banner I want hung opening day of the 2010-2011 season, I want three of them, but that is just disgusting. And the Panthers aren't that bad, if the playoffs started today they would be in, but the Caps are that good.

Another interesting stat that I saw on Dan Steinberg's blog is that the Caps are 11-1 since The Great 8 became captain. I'm fairly certain the Pens have never had a run like with Crosby as captain, much less on the maiden voyage, so let's stop comparing the two. While Crosby plays in the same league, Ovechkin is aces in the hole while Crosby is suited connectors at best. I say that this could be the greatest season in the history of DC sports, but that all hinges on winning the Cup. I can't wait. I just hope we don't get matched up with Pittsburgh at any point and have to play against the refs, Buffalo and against Miller, and if we are lucky enough to make it to the finals, Vancouver. I don't watch a lot of Canuck's hockey, but they looked like the best team the Caps have played all year. Needless to say I am excited to see how this all plays out.

There is only one team that could bring me down and the Redskins never fail. They are thinking about adding a "third uniform" that involves a black jersey. You can see them on the Skin's website, and while it is not confirmed, it looks like that it is going to happen. Look, I know black is slimming and Mike Williams will look awesome in them, but our uniforms are just fine. The only thing I would do is to go back to the yellow pants, and wear the burgandy jerseys at home unless we are playing Dallas, then the white jersey. You know a man is a man when he has the audacity to wear yellow pants in public, I've always said that.

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