Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Stupid People

I never talk about the Wizards and probably won't again, but this situation begs comment. I know Arenas probably did not use the best judgement; he took a joke to far. I should preface this by saying I am just as "pro-gun" as the founding fathers who set up this great country were. As I understand it Arenas took a or multiple guns into a locker room to joke about the fact that a gambling debt that had not been paid. It is very "Casino" and juvenile, but something that is being made a bigger deal than it should be.

So of course Al Sharpton gets involved. He thinks David Stern needs to come down hard on Arenas for exercising his second amendment rights. The second most important thing to the founding fathers. I guess we know how Sharpton feels about the USA, the greatest country in the world that lets us enjoy the relative frivolty of sports.

Sharpton goes on to say "what if a white player pulled a gun on a black player?" What does that have to do with anything? No one cares about race anymore other than ignorant hillbillies and "civil rights activists." I feel bad for guys like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but their time has come and gone. Sports is the one arena where race has not mattered since civil rights activists were relevant, so lets leave it out now.

Sorry to get serious in a forum that does not need it, but that bugged me.

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