Saturday, January 16, 2010

Crazy SOBs

It was good to see my last post rang true. First off, the NHL admitted they were wrong in assessing Bradley a penalty in the almost-Ovechkin fight. And for all of the Ovechkin haters, yes he was going to fight, he wasn't scared and never has been, and when you need three goals in six minutes it is better to have the great 8 than Bradley on the ice. It was a smart hockey play by Bradley. However, the NHL did not offer an apology, just a non-suspension for Bradley. They also fined Burrows for his comment about the ref that is targeting him. The NHL can't afford a Donaghy-like scandal, they need to figure out what is going on. Chimera has never been suspended before in his career. He becomes a Cap, and he is going to get a game off for "instigating" a fight in the last five minutes. Something is awry, the refs hate the Caps, and all we want is fairly played hockey.

I love the Caps, but DC just lost the toughest guy in town; Joe Bugel. He was trying to be upbeat and not breakdown after a career that spanned five decades and did, but it was tough for him. He was intregal in assembling and coaching up the O-line that was the core of the three Super Bowl teams. Dan Steinberg's bog reported a story about the hogs that I had never heard before. All of the hogs were hung-over from too many beers and chili-dogs the night before an early morning practice. Russ Grimm vomited a hot dog on the practice field after some sprints. Bugel told him to get it off, and Grimm picked it up and ate it again. This is the toughness and craziness missing from the Skins today but instilled in the Caps.

As a sidenote I always take shots at Danny Snyder. However, I thought it was cool that he filled up Redskins One with supplies and sent it down to Haiti. He's a horrible owner, but a charitable guy.

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