Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Give credit where credit is due

It pains me to say this, but I think Daniel Snyder may have finally gotten a clue. The fact that Shanahan called him "Dan" and not "Mr. Snyder" is a good sign, the fact that he was not even on the podium but rather in the first row for the press conference was better. Maybe Danny has finally decided to stop self-destructing the franchise that I know he loves but has been incapable of running successfully for over a decade.

Shanahan looked and sounded good; kind of like a sun-burned George W. but smarter. Apparently he has been on board for a while; the only evasive answers he gave were about his previous involvement with Snyder in the last year, which seems extensive. If Snyder knew that Zorn was not the guy, why didn't he get rid of him before the year started? Snyder is on record as saying the worst mistake he made since he became owner (I think other than 6 Flags) was not firing Norv Turner fast enough. His inability to learn from mistakes is discouraging, and hopefully curtailed with Shanahan. However, I like a guy as underhanded as Snyder looking out for the same interests as mine.

Coach S's first line of business is who will QB his team. I hope it remains Campbell, but I doubt it. When he was with the Raiders he had Jay Schroeder (thats a blast from the past, huh.) As a coordinator in San Francisco, Steve Young and Elvis Grbac. In Denver, when he was succesful, Elway. He likes old guys, and thats fine. He is better off running the show than the guys before him. I just hope he doesn't like Todd Collins, and if I was Colt Brennan, I'd grab my coat. Campbell is a top ten quarterback with a top twenty line.

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