Sunday, January 24, 2010

Random Thoughts about Random Ricks

So "old flat-butt" Favre further tainted his legacy. Flat-butt isn't a judgement, I don't have much back there I am front-loaded, but he makes me look like Beyonce. I told a Saints fan in our loss to them because of "clutch-kick" Suisham that if we couldn't win it all, I hoped they would. (Not that anyone was holding their breath for a Skins championship.) It wasn't because of Katrina, otherwise I'd root for the team closest to Haiti because that is more chic right now. It was because they were the nicest and most enjoyable opposing fans I have been around since Jack Kent Cooke Stadium opened. They deserve it, and the town deserves it. It was weird seeing Brunell on the field for the winning play though. You have to believe in Jesus as fervently as that guy to believe that guy is still playing ball.

It was good to see Buddy Ryan's son's team lose. That is just a family of losers, huh. Also in sports today, I watched the Flyers lose to the Pens. This is when I hope that Bin Laden hates ice as much as he hates seeing a woman's neck. I never want any American to lose their life, but if 3,000 Americans had to die, I would not be as sad if they were Flyers fans.

I will admit I do not watch much hockey other than the Caps playing whoever, but I learn something each time I do. Like today, did anyone else know that sometimes they call penalties against the Penguins? They never do during Caps-Pens games and it blew my mind when the Flyers got four power plays. Imagine how badly we would have beaten the Pens both Thursday and in last year's semifinals if only there had been even ice. Needless to say, Crosby complained about the fairness. But it was nice to see that despite the fairness, Philadelphia is still a town full of losers.


Ali said...

I'm going to let your "fairness" comment go today because you used my nickname for Favre!!

PS. you whine about power plays more than you say Crosby does...

JaKim said...

Hey Now! Be careful how you talk about the philly fans. Comments like that will get your name put on "The List"